Welcome To My Blog!

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Hello, World!

Hi, everyone! My name is Anas. I’m Malaysian and I love Malaysian foods (miss them so much :persevere:). OK, that’s not the whole point. I’m a Maths student at King’s College and I love what I’ve been studying until today (still look forward to studying more Maths though). How about you guys?

So what’s this about?

Since I love Maths and I’m studying Maths, I want to share the Maths I’ve been doing with you guys. Excited?

Blog posts or Maths articles :grey_question:

Hmmm… Very good question. I intend to write informally on my personal views related to the subject. So, I consider the entries as blog posts. I have no intention for the posts to imitate any of the lectures, because… that should be forbidden here, and also boring :eyes:. I don’t have a name for this column yet. Should come up with one ASAP. Brb.

See you in my next post! :wave: